The last ballad by Wiley Cash
A novel based on the Loray Mill strike and the birth of the unionism in South Carolina.
Wiley Cash lived in this area and wrote this novel as it was part of a deliberately hidden event in local history.
Ella May a textile worker with 4 children makes the fateful decision to join the union. Her personal story and ability to sing makes her the star performer at the union rallies. Through the events leading up to her death we are introduced to a cast of characters: rich and poor, powerful and powerless. We see life in South Carolina through textile worker's eyes, mill owner's eyes, Afro-american eyes and through unionist and police eyes.
Ella May's songs have been recorded by Peter Segar and Woodie Guthrie.
A powerful novel that shows a slice of life in South Carolina. Wiley Cash's lyrical language tells a story of hope, courage and life lived to the full.
Also by Wiley Cash
A land more kind than home
This dark road to mercy
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